“Wilderness Beyond Boundaries”

Aaharant Shrestha म करिब दुई वर्षदेखि चिकित्सा क्षेत्रमा East West Concerns को निर्देशकको रूपमा काम गरिरहेको छु । मेरो व्यवसायले नेपालभर स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रविधि प्रदान गर्दै आई रहेको छ । उक्त व्यवसायलाई निरंतरता दिनको लागि मैले पिकअप ट्रकको खोजी जारी राखेको थिएँ । विभिन्न गाडीहरु हेर्दै जाने क्रममा ISUZU मा मेरो नजर परी त्यसको इन्जिन

“Wilderness Beyond Boundaries”

Aaharant Shrestha I have been working in the medical field for approximately two years as an East West Concerns director. My business delivers healthcare technology throughout Nepal. I have been searching for a pickup truck. As my search got underway, I looked at a few other pickup trucks but it was not what I expected;

“A Practical Vehicle for Business and Travel”

“Isuzu Hi-lander ले उत्कृष्ट यात्रा साझेदार र सहकमीर्को रूपमा सेवा गरेको छ,र यसले मेरो जीवनको हरेक कर्तव्यलाई पूरा गर्न मद्दत गरेको छ । म बारम्बार इटहरी जान्छु, जहाँ मेरो फार्म छ । धेरैजसो अवस्थामा ,यात्रा ९ देखि १० घण्टासम्म हुन्छ, र मेरो Isuzu Hi-lander हरेक परिस्थितिमा समस्या मुक्त रही गन्तव्य सम्म पुर्याउन सफल भएको छ।

Isuzu Pickup Trucks: For Work & Play!

The pickup truck segment is an accurate reflection of the working class. Solid, sturdy and able to handle almost anything life throws its way while looking good doing it. A truly honest, no-nonsense four-wheeler for the masses. If you’re in the market for a pickup truck Isuzu’s robust lineup offers everything you could want in