Aaharant Shrestha म करिब दुई वर्षदेखि चिकित्सा क्षेत्रमा East West Concerns को निर्देशकको रूपमा काम गरिरहेको छु । मेरो व्यवसायले नेपालभर स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रविधि प्रदान गर्दै आई रहेको छ । उक्त व्यवसायलाई निरंतरता दिनको लागि मैले पिकअप ट्रकको खोजी जारी राखेको थिएँ । विभिन्न गाडीहरु हेर्दै जाने क्रममा ISUZU मा मेरो नजर परी त्यसको इन्जिन
Aaharant Shrestha I have been working in the medical field for approximately two years as an East West Concerns director. My business delivers healthcare technology throughout Nepal. I have been searching for a pickup truck. As my search got underway, I looked at a few other pickup trucks but it was not what I expected;
“Isuzu Hi-lander ले उत्कृष्ट यात्रा साझेदार र सहकमीर्को रूपमा सेवा गरेको छ,र यसले मेरो जीवनको हरेक कर्तव्यलाई पूरा गर्न मद्दत गरेको छ । म बारम्बार इटहरी जान्छु, जहाँ मेरो फार्म छ । धेरैजसो अवस्थामा ,यात्रा ९ देखि १० घण्टासम्म हुन्छ, र मेरो Isuzu Hi-lander हरेक परिस्थितिमा समस्या मुक्त रही गन्तव्य सम्म पुर्याउन सफल भएको छ।
Isuzu Hi-Lander, Mr. Mifung Fudong. I love driving. I have always been into cars since I was a kid. When I got my driver’s license there was just no turning back. Four-wheelers have always been my first love, to be honest. Practicality plays a big role in my life, everything I own needs to serve
The pickup truck segment is an accurate reflection of the working class. Solid, sturdy and able to handle almost anything life throws its way while looking good doing it. A truly honest, no-nonsense four-wheeler for the masses. If you’re in the market for a pickup truck Isuzu’s robust lineup offers everything you could want in