My Go to Friend For Off-Trails

-Hari Luitel

Namaste! I am Hari Luitel. I oversee G-Seven Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. as its director. We are working to modernize agriculture, and as of now, we have covered 62 urban and rural districts in Nepal. Around Ashad 2078, I purchased an Isuzu Hi-Lander. I selected an Isuzu Hi-lander for a variety of reasons, including affordability, luxury, and ease of off-road driving. Comparatively speaking, the features and appearance are also good. Furthermore, I had assurance that I made the appropriate choice in an automobile when I examined the reviews from market responses.

My line of work involves working with farmers, therefore most of our travel is off-road. When we first started off-roading, we had a car with a limited ground clearance, which required us to rent another vehicle. But today, Isuzu Hi-lander has exceeded my expectations in terms of fuel efficiency, cargo capacity, and plush suspension, and I am happy with the company’s product.

The vehicle has served me well for both work use and times when I’ve travelled privately with my family. I am happy with my Isuzu pickup truck so far, and I would advise others to get an Isuzu if they want to purchase in this price range because the brand won’t let you down.